Meet the board

The board provides vision and direction for partnership working in the city. It meets at least four times a year to focus on joint decision making, work collaboratively to tackle issues associated with inequality, and share resources to meet the needs of local people. It also has oversight of the city’s strategic and local plans.

Each board member is an equal partner. Members are nominated by their organisation based on their authority and ability to fulfil the remit of the board.  Members are expected to:

  • represent the strategic views of their organisation
  • support the vision and aims of the partnership 
  • contribute to the delivery of the outcomes of the partnership as defined in its strategic and local plans

Read the Edinburgh Partnership board papers.


Dona Milne

Dona Milne, Director of Public Health and Health Policy, NHS Lothian, is the vice-chairperson of the partnership. 

Picture of Dona Milne, vice chair of Edinburgh Partnership Board

Councillor Kevin Lang

Councillor Kevin Lang (Scottish Liberal Democrats) is a ward councillor for Almond. 


Councillor Simita Kumar

Councillor Simita Kumar (Scottish National Party) is a ward councillor for Southside / Newington.


Councillor Jule Bandel

Councillor Jule Bandel (Scottish Green Party) is a ward councillor for Inverleith.


Councillor Iain Whyte

Councillor Iain Whyte (Scottish Conservatives) is a ward councillor for Inverleith.


Major Mark Black

Major Mark Black is the Edinburgh representative for the Army on the Board.

Audrey Cumberford

Audrey is the principal of Edinburgh College.

Lynn McMath

Lynn is Deputy Director, Stakeholder Relations for the University of Edinburgh.

Katharina Kasper

Katharina is the chair for the Edinburgh Integration Joint Board.

Evonne Boyd

Evonne is the representative for Skills Development Scotland.

Mark McMullen

Mark is the Head of Partnerships for Scottish Enterprise.

Murray Dalgleish

Murray Dalgleish is a Local Senior Officer for Scottish Fire and Rescue Service.

Chief Superintendent David Robertson

Chief Superintendent David Robertson is the Divisional Commander for Edinburgh Division, Police Scotland.

Paul Wilson

Paul is the Chief Officer of Volunteer Edinburgh and represents the Equality and Rights Network (EaRN).

Ken Robertson

Ken is the representative for the Edinburgh Association of Community Councils (EACC).

Bruce Crawford

Bruce Crawford is the Chief Executive of Edinburgh Voluntary Organisations' Council (EVOC). 

Advisory members

The Edinburgh Partnership also has the following advisory members.

Paul Lawrence

Paul is the Chief Executive for the City of Edinburgh Council.

Professor Caroline Hiscox's

Caroline is the Chief Executive for NHS Lothian.

Alison Cumming

Alison is a Scottish Government Place Director.

Will Tyler-Greig

Will Tyler-Greig is a Scottish Government Place Director.