Scottish Fire and Rescue Plan 2022-25
The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service draft Strategic Plan 2022-25 has been released for a nine-week public consultation running from 9 May to 10 July 2022.
Development of the SFRS Strategic Plan began in November 2021 with a review of the current 2019-22 Plan. The finding of this review was supplemented by feedback from a series of staff focus groups which provided us with the following points to consider when developing the Strategic Plan 2022-25:
- The broad direction of the outcomes remains relevant
- There needs to be a clearer alignment of the Strategic Plan, Long Term Vision, and Fire and Rescue Framework priorities
- We should be realistic in what we can deliver
- We should future proof the language – should be sharper, clearer and more ambitious
- We should address climate change
- Measures of success should be considered
The draft Strategic Plan 2022-2025 proposes seven outcomes and shows how these outcomes deliver against the Fire and Rescue Framework 2022 and the SFRS Long Term Vision. Each outcome also provides a set of statements that describe what success will look like when we’ve delivered against that outcome. Shaping our forward direction, the proposals outline how we will make a significant contribution to making people’s lives in Scotland better and safer.
To ensure we have prepared a plan which meets our stakeholder’s expectations, the draft Strategic Plan 2022-25 has been released for a nine-week public consultation running from 9 May to 10 July 2022.