Edinburgh by Numbers
A publication of Edinburgh by numbers
The latest edition of Edinburgh by Numbers has been published, providing a colourful statistical overview of life in the Capital.
Every year, colleagues in the Data, Performance and Business Planning team pull together interesting findings from various sources to identify how Edinburgh compares to other, similar sized cities. It provides a fascinating data set which is well-used and well-loved by professionals and public alike.
In summary, the stats reveal that:
- feelings of ‘worthwhile’ are the highest they have been for a decade
- 93% of us are satisfied with life in the Capital
- Edinburgh has the highest percentage of residents who consider the climate emergency to be ‘urgent’
- greenhouse gas emissions have dropped by 37.9%
- more than half of city journeys under two miles are being made by walking or cycling
- public transport satisfaction rates have hit 86%, which is significantly above the Scottish average
- unemployment rates have more than halved from 6.3% to 2.6% in less than 10 years.