Shaping Our Future Service: Your Say - Scottish Fire and Rescue Service

The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS) is holding a public pre-consultation exercise titled 'Shaping Our Future Service: Your Say'.

This is the first stage in our engagement with communities, staff, representative bodies, partners, elected members as we consider changes to the emergency service we deliver across Scotland.

As a Service we want to do more for our communities – not just by responding to emergency incidents but by stopping them from happening in the first place.

The types of incidents we respond to and the risk facing Scotland's communities has changed. To make sure we have the right resources in the right place at the right time we need to change too. 

At the same time, some of our ageing buildings are also no longer fit for purpose and require urgent action to make them safer and more suitable.

We want to address those challenges and free up or redistribute our resources to invest in other areas such as training, innovation and prevention.

SFRS must change to ensure we create a modern and sustainable emergency service fit for Scotland's future. This is the first stage in our engagement with communities, staff, representative bodies, partners, and elected members. We are seeking the views of the communities we serve across Scotland to ensure we take fully informed decisions about what SFRS should look like in the future.

Have your say by completing the online survey and checking the community events across Scotland.

Published: 9th May 2024