Have your say on the future of Edinburgh’s housing

The Council would like your views to help shape Edinburgh’s Local Housing Strategy.

The strategy will set out the vision for all types of housing and housing related services in the city for at least the next five years.

Edinburgh has the fastest growing population in Scotland and the housing sector and people of Edinburgh are facing unprecedented challenges, so it’s never been more important to have a strong housing strategy that reflects and is influenced by the views of people living in the city.

Please take a few minutes to fill out the initial survey and feedback what you think the key housing priorities are for the city. The survey closes on 14th June 2024.

Following this initial survey, there will be a variety of engagement and consultation opportunities from June to October 2024 to make sure that as many people as possible can share their views. Please keep an eye out for further opportunities to get involved and share your thoughts.


Email    localhousingstategy@edinburgh.gov.uk

Web      https://www.edinburgh.gov.uk/local-housing-strategy

Survey  https://consultationhub.edinburgh.gov.uk/sfc/localhousingstrategy/

Phone  0131 529 5455

Published: 14th May 2024