Whole Family Wellbeing Fund

The Whole Family Wellbeing Fund grants process has now concluded. Please read on to find out more about successful collaborations.

After a rigorous and robust grant’s process in which a number of third sector organisations and public bodies came together to discuss, develop and design transformational proposals for children, young people and families, we can now share those who have been awarded Whole Family Wellbeing Funds (WFWF). The fund received 26 Transformational collaborative proposals, composed of 65 different organisation / service areas. 6 proposals have been awarded funds. The organisations varied from the smallest in size (under 5 staff) up to public sector bodies. And this range is reflected within the awards, bringing an exciting opportunity for real systems change.

Feedback showed that for those who engaged with the process (engagement events, call out forms and discussions), whether successful in an award or otherwise, many have gained far greater understanding of what other services can provide and it has also been a starter conversation for future developments. The support activities and interventions, the seamless approach to delivery and the co-design with families outlined within the awarded collaborations will help move us forward as a city in meeting the needs of children, young people and their families as early as possible and reduce the need for crisis intervention. These collaboratives have the 10 Principles of Whole Family Support at their core, and those funded by the WFW (including the partnership central team) are committed to sharing learning.

The WFW newsletter will provide updates on the activities of the Collaborations and the Partnership team, share impact reporting and provide information on furthering holistic whole family support in Edinburgh. A summary from each of the 6 successful collaborations can be found in the WFW newsletter

Published: 10th July 2024