Draft Princes Street and Waverley Valley Strategy Consultation

The Draft Princes Street and Waverley Valley Strategy Consultation is open for feedback.

What’s in the Draft Strategy?

The Draft Strategy can be viewed here and further information is presented on the Council’s dedicated webpages here

The Draft strategy sets out the guidance and proposals to help us conserve and revitalise this world-famous Princes Street, protecting it for generations to come. 

  • It will help us take a clear and consistent approach to developing the area, so that we can 
  • Renew buildings with a mix of retail and leisure uses  
  • Improve pavements and public spaces  
  • Manage change to Princes Street Gardens and the Ross Bandstand 
  • Shape the future of Waverley Station and the area around it.

How does it relate to other city centre projects?

The Draft Strategy is part of the overarching Edinburgh City Centre Transformation (ECCT) plan, which covers other projects like George Street and First New Town, Meadows to George Street, Old Town Streets and Lothian Road.

It supports the delivery of agreed placemaking policies and principles for the city centre and Princes Street in the ECCT, alongside those set out in the Council’s City Plan 2030, the City Mobility Plan (CMP) 2021, and Our Future Streets (OFS) 2024.

The draft Strategy seeks to supports a core aim of the Council’s Economic Strategy in maintaining a vibrant and sustainable city centre economy.

It also seeks to complement other city centre public realm and sustainable travel projects to ensure a coordinated approach to enhancement of the First New Town.

Ways to feedback on the Strategy

Complete the survey online until 21 February 2025

Speak to us in person at our Public Drop-ins:

  • City Arts Centre, 3 February 1pm to 5pm

Email us with comments: princesstreet@edinburgh.gov.uk

Published: 30th January 2025